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Talk at Dartmouth College

Blair visited Dartmouth College earlier this month and gave a departmental seminar. Her update below:

“It was great to visit Hanover and get to know folks in the Ecology, Evolution, Ecosystems and Society program. Although it was early in the semester, I got to have some really interesting chats with a number of students and faculty. I was also invited to give a brief guest lecture in Jeff Kerby’s undergrad course on animal movement and landscape ecology, which led to a good class discussion. It was an honor to open the department’s spring seminar series, where I got to share Herd Hover’s methodologies and demonstrate how these will be used to answer questions relating to collective detection and movement behavior in ungulates.

I’m grateful to everyone who made time to attend the talk or meet with me one-on-one, and to Carey Nadell for hosting my visit!”

Blair giving her seminar to the EEES Department at Dartmouth College

Blair giving her seminar to the EEES Department at Dartmouth College. Photo by Mike Costelloe.